Readtime shortcode Youtube

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Elevate the engagement and usability of your WordPress site. This unique tool combines the functionality of estimated reading time with YouTube video integration, allowing you to display both reading time and video content seamlessly.

Key Features:

  • Use a simple shortcode to show the estimated reading time for your content alongside an embedded YouTube video. Perfect for blog posts, tutorials, and content-heavy pages.
  • Insert [readtime_youtube video="VIDEO_URL"] to display both the reading time and a YouTube video. Customize the shortcode to fit your needs.
  • The plugin calculates reading time based on your content’s word count and average reading speed, providing accurate estimates without manual input.
  • Ensures that the YouTube video and reading time display correctly on all devices, including desktops, tablets, and mobile phones.
  • Easy installation and configuration with no coding required. Simply configure your settings and start using the shortcode to enhance your content.